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Domestic Markets Operation in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
The volume of mutual trade in goods
Препятствий на внутреннем рынке
Препятствий устранено
Reception of appeals
On a potential obstacle to ensuring a single internal market of the EEU member states
6/5/2024 2:15 PMСистемная учетная запись
[ЕЭК] [ФВР] Страница новостиВ.А. Симонян встретился с Председателем Суда Евразийского экономического союза6/5/2024
5/15/2024 3:15 PMСистемная учетная запись
[ЕЭК] [ФВР] Страница новостиДиректором Департамента функционирования внутренних рынков ЕЭК назначен Самат Кулмамбетов5/3/2024
2/20/2024 11:30 AMСистемная учетная запись
[ЕЭК] [ФВР] Страница новостиТребование о взимании туристского взноса с граждан государств-членов Союза отменено в Казахстане2/20/2024
2/15/2024 9:00 AMСистемная учетная запись
[ЕЭК] [ФВР] Страница новостиГосударства-члены ЕАЭС и Комиссия усиливают взаимодействие при введении ограничительных мер в рамках взаимной торговли товарами2/15/2024
12/19/2023 4:45 PMСистемная учетная запись
[ЕЭК] [ФВР] Страница новостиВ Кыргызской Республике устранен барьер в отношении налогообложения во взаимной торговле 12/19/2023
1 - 5Далее
Dispute resolution
The Department for the Functioning of Domestic Markets reports on the appeals to the Eurasian Economic Commission of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union regarding the settlement of disputes within the framework of the internal market of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The absence of the “ЕАС” mark is not a reason for administrative prosecution.
The revolution that has been talked about for so long ... has come to pass
From July 1, 2018 in Russia, composite food products from EAEU countries do not need to be accompanied by veterinary documents
Functioning of the internal market of the Eurasian Economic Union: law and digital transformation
The Council will discuss the most sensitive problems of the domestic market.
In Yerevan, work is underway on the agreement of the EAEU on precious stones and metals
Корпоративные ключевые слова
On approval of the Methodology for Separation of Obstacles in the Internal Market of the Eurasian Economic Union on Barriers, Exemptions and Restrictions
https://docs.eaeunion.org/en-us/Pages/DisplayDocument.aspx?s=%7Be1f13d1d-5914-465c-835f-2aa3762eddda%7D&w=9260b414-defe-45cc-88a3-eb5c73238076&l=%7B8a412e96-924f-4b3c-8321-0d5e767e5f91%7D&EntityID=15284Новая вкладка
Decision of the Board of the ECE; No. 152; 14.11.201711/14/2017 12:00 AM
On an action plan (" road map ") for the removal of exemptions and restrictions on the domestic market of the Eurasian Economic Union for 2018 - 2019
https://docs.eaeunion.org/en-us/Pages/DisplayDocument.aspx?s=%7Be1f13d1d-5914-465c-835f-2aa3762eddda%7D&w=9260b414-defe-45cc-88a3-eb5c73238076&l=%7B8a412e96-924f-4b3c-8321-0d5e767e5f91%7D&EntityID=15094Новая вкладка
Ordinance; No. 17; 25.10.201711/14/2017 12:00 AM
On the fulfillment by the Republic of Belarus of obligations within the framework of the functioning of the internal market of the Eurasian Economic Union
https://docs.eaeunion.org/en-us/Pages/DisplayDocument.aspx?s=%7Be1f13d1d-5914-465c-835f-2aa3762eddda%7D&w=9260b414-defe-45cc-88a3-eb5c73238076&l=%7B8a412e96-924f-4b3c-8321-0d5e767e5f91%7D&EntityID=15281Новая вкладка
Decision of the Board of the ECE; No. 151; 14.11.201711/14/2017 12:00 AM
On the fulfillment by the Russian Federation of obligations within the framework of the functioning of the internal market of the Eurasian Economic Union
https://docs.eaeunion.org/en-us/Pages/DisplayDocument.aspx?s=%7Be1f13d1d-5914-465c-835f-2aa3762eddda%7D&w=9260b414-defe-45cc-88a3-eb5c73238076&l=%7B8a412e96-924f-4b3c-8321-0d5e767e5f91%7D&EntityID=15287Новая вкладка
Decision of the Board of the ECE; No. 153; 14.11.201711/14/2017 12:00 AM